Friday, 10 February 2012

Valentine's Day Special

Valentine's Day Special  Page with CSS and Jquery for Deface Pages and your website/blog

Happy Valentine's Day . The Magical time when you spend all the money you have been saving the whole year. yeah, and we have all that Valentine Spirit, of course.
Now, you probably want to spend a lot on your soul mate’s gift, to show her/him how deep is your love.
Yeah, money can buy many cool things, but guess what: almost every year I make my own gifts for my Friends (but I always have to buy something). And I feel that They just loves when I do something by myself instead of just buying it. So I’ll show you a cool One Page Figt for your loved one, you can upload it on hacked websites and own websites and blogs!
For Blogger users : Make a New page and Paste source code there or Paste source code in Post Our goal here is to do a  “slider”, where a lot of messages and pictures wishes that you like are shown. In the meantime you’ll learn a little bit about design, jQuery and CSS3.
So, let’s rock \m/

Live Demo : Download Source Code


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